Art and Music are My Passions

Animated and Musical Ecards

Free Downloadable Musical E-Cards for All Occasions
with Beautiful Graphics and Photos.
One Of a Kind Multimedia Greetings In English, Russian and Spanish. Popular and Original Music, Romantic Images and Poems, Funny Quotes and Messages. 

Hope You Enjoy Them!

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All E-Cards Were Created Using Paint Shop Pro 5, PSP Animator and ArcaMax Software
To Save/View E Cards!
Just Click On The E Card Links Or The Right Side Of The Mouse, Download/Save This Self Playing File Into Any Folder And Double Click On It From The Windows Explore.
No Special Equipment or Software Needed - Simply Enjoy Them!
It's best to zip or compress these e-cards before you send them!

And Here They Are... Over 100 One Of a Kind ECards

Click On The Subjects Below

Love and Romance

An animated and musical "It's Called Love" E-mail card.
An adorable pair of puppies, a pretty poem with an original tune.
ECard: It's Called Love
File: itscalledlove.exe (2425 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

An animated and musical "You Are" E-mail card.
A beautiful poem with an original tune. "You are - the dreams I dream.."
ECard: You Are
File: youare.exe (703 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

The Sexy, The Romantic - Enrique Iglesias
An animated and musical "For You My Love" E-mail card.
Beautiful diamonds for the one you love. "For the Past, For the Present, For the Future" with a pretty original tune.
ECard: For You My Love
File: forumylove.exe (482 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

An animated and musical "You and Me" E-mail card.
A beautiful romantic poem, sensual black and white photograph of a couple and an original tune.
ECard: You and Me
File: youandme.exe (2005 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

An animated and musical "Secret Love" E-mail card.
A magical surreal castle, beautiful romantic poem with a pretty original tune.
ECard: Secret Love
File: secretlove.exe (2629 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

An animated and musical "Good Morning Sunshine" E-mail card.
"I love you more than words can say..."
ECard: Good Morning Sunshine
A beautiful Gerbera daisy and a pretty melody.
File: goodmorning.exe (1873 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Where Is Love
An animated and musical "Where Is Love" E-mail card. A beautiful poem written by a friend Nina (
With a romantic couple kissing and an original tune.
File: WhereIsLove.exe (770 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: I Love You
An animated & musical "I Love You" in many Languages E-mail card.
A beautiful Gerbera daisy with a pretty original tune.
File: ILoveUmuliti.exe (2151 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k) < 3 minutes

ECard: My Only One Forever
An animated & musical "My Only One Forever" E-mail card.
A beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, romantic couple with a pretty original tune.
File: MyOnlyOne4ever.exe (1736 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k) < 3 minutes

This Is The Best Collection Of Short Poems
"Poem Potraits" by James J. Metcalfe
ECard: Love
An animated & musical "Love" E-mail card.
A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, pink roses and a pretty original tune.
File: Love.exe (666 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: I Treasure You
An animated & musical "I Treasure You" E-mail card.
A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, romantic couple kissing and a pretty original tune.
File: ItreasureU.exe (1119 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: You Are...
An animated & musical "You Are" E-mail card.
"...You are the best thing that ever happened to me!". An Art Deco picture of a couple with a pretty original tune.
File: YouR.exe (660 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: A Streaking Star (romantic)
An animated & musical "A Streaking Star" E-mail card.
Dreamy night skies with twinkly stars.
A beautiful poem with an original tune.
File: AStreakingStar.exe (1474 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: If Wishes Were Kisses
An animated & musical "If Wishes Were Kisses" E-mail card.
A beautiful poem with an original tune.
File: IfWishesWereKisses.exe (1713 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Eternal Love
An animated & musical "Eternal Love" E-mail card.
A beautiful Unicorn, a poem with an original tune.
File: EternalLove.exe (1386 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: The Sea Of Emotion
An animated & musical "The Sea Of Emotion" E-mail card.
A romantic couple against a sunset and a pretty poem with an original tune.
File: TheSeaOfEmotion.exe (1305 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Thinking of You
An animated & musical "Thinking Of You" E-mail card.
With an adorable children, an original tune and a pretty poem.
File: ThinkingOfYou.exe (1912 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Passion Speaks
An animated & musical "Passion Speaks" E-mail card.
A romantic photo of a couple with an original music.
File: PassionSpeaks.exe (2395 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: The Dance
An animated & musical "The Dance" E-mail card.
A beautiful poem written by a friend Nina (
with a romantic photo of a couple kissing and an original music.
File: TheDance.exe (1360 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Us
An animated & musical "You Fill My Day" E-mail card. An adorable puppy and a sentimental message with an original music.
File: Us.exe (537 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: I Am Missing You
An animated & musical "I Am Missing You" E-mail card. A beautiful poem with an original music and a dreamy photo of a man and a woman.
File: IamMissingU.exe ( 796 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Love Is
An animated & musical "Love Is ..." E-mail card. A beautiful poem with a popular melody called "Love Story".
File: LoveIs.exe ( 250 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Miss You - funny
An animated & musical "Miss You - funny" E-mail card with a list of thing you would like to say and a pretty original tune.
File: MissUfunny.exe ( 358 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Across The Miles
Tell someone special that miles can not keep you apart!
An animated & musical "Across The Miles" E-mail card
with a romantic photo and an original tune.
File: AcrossTheMiles.exe ( 1098 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Passion
An animated & musical "Passion" E-mail card with an original music and a sensual photo of a couple.
File: Passion.exe ( 904 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Fly Me To the Moon
An animated & musical "Fly Me To the Moon" E-mail card.
Romantic photo of a couple against a dreamy moon and a popular tune " Fly Me To the Moon".
File: FlyMeToTheMoon.exe ( 1512 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: You are my Sunshine
An animated & musical "You are my Sunshine..." E-mail card .
The cutest photo of puppies with a pretty popular tune.
File: YouRmySunshine.exe ( 1045 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Remember Me
Send someone a funny Remember Me ECard!
An animated & musical "Remember Me" E-mail card with a funny snorkeling dog and an original music.
File: Remember.exe ( 1020 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: We...
An animated & musical "We.." E-mail card. Beautiful roses with a romantic message "We Met, We Grew, We Fell In Love, My Heart Is Happy. Thanks To You My Love!" with an original music.
File: We.exe (490 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: U R My World
An animated & musical "You Are My World..." E-mail card.
Beautiful photos of animal pairs couples, romantic quotes with an original music.
File: UrMyWorld.exe (787 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: For You!
An animated & musical "For You" E-mail card.
Animated beautiful quotes:
"If I had a rose for every time I thought about you I could walk through my garden forever..."
Against a piano keyboard and a red rose with an original music.
File: 4You.exe (598 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Roses
An animated & musical "Roses" E-mail card. Pretty animated Roses with an original music.
"Kiss slowly, Love Deeply, Forgive Quickly.."
File: Roses.exe (618 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Someone Thinking Of You...
An animated & musical "...Someone is thinking of you..." E-mail card.
Beautiful animated sunsets over the water with an original music.

File: ThinkingOfU.exe (623 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Thoughts From Afar
Send someone pretty tulips and let them know that you are thinking about them.
An animated & musical "Thoughts From Afar" E-mail card
with an original tune.
File: ThoughtsFromAfar.exe ( 795 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Close Your Eyes
An animated & musical "Close Your Eyes" E-mail card.
A romantic poem with an original music set against a beautiful surreal garden.
File: CloseYourEyes.exe ( 765 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Lots Of Kisses
An animated & musical "Lots Of Kisses" E-mail card with an original music
and lots of chocolate kisses.
File: LotsaKisses.exe ( 1318 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Two Lips (Tulips)
An animated & musical "Two Lips" E-mail card with pretty purple tulips and an original tune.
File: TwoLips.exe ( 1090 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Smooch.. Kiss
An animated & musical "Smooch, Kiss ..." E-mail card with an original music. "Smooch, Kiss, Nibble ... Mwaa!"
File: Kiss.exe (188 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: I am Thinking Of You
Send someone this animated & musical "I am Thinking Of You..." E-mail card with a classical romantic music and a beautiful dreamy photo of a white swan.
File: IamThinkingOfU.exe ( 366 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: We Are Apart
Tell someone how much you miss them with this pretty ECard!
An animated & musical "We Are Apart " E-mail card with a beautiful sunset and an original music.
File: WeRapart.exe ( 1249 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

The Smooth Jazz - Al Jarreau All I Got
ECard: A Hint
Can they take A Hint?
An animated & musical "A Hint " E-mail car.
Lots of (chocolate) kisses and an original music.

File: aHint.exe ( 310 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

Barry White - The Timeless Musical Seductions
The Ultimate Collection
ECard: The Wish
An animated & musical "The Wish" E-mail card with an original music and pretty flowers.
A Beautiful Poem called "The Wish"

"If I had one wish.. I would wish to be with You"
File: TheWish.exe (181 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: The Right One (poem)
An animated & musical poem called "The Right One" E-mail card with an original music and a beautiful photo of a couple against a romantic sunset.
File: TheRightOne.exe ( 266 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

James Ingram - The Voice That Makes You Shiver
The Greatest Hits: Power of Great Music
ECard: I Give You My Heart
An animated & musical "I Give You My Heart" E-mail card
with a beautiful classical music.
Express your love and passion.
File: IgiveUmyHeart.exe ( 616 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: What is Love
An animated & musical "What is Love" E-mail card with an original music, a beautiful poem and a romantic photo of white swans.
File: WhatIsLove.exe ( 793 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

Julio Iglesias - The Master of the Love Ballad
My Life: Greatest Hits
ECard: I Give U My Love
An animated & musical "I Give You My Love" E-mail card with an original music, gorgeous red roses and a beautiful poem.
File: IgiveUmyLove.exe ( 389 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: All You Need Is Love
An animated & musical "All You Need Is .. Love" E-mail card with an original music.
File: AlluNeedIsLove.exe ( 161 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: A Rose
An animated & musical "A Rose" E-mail card.
A pretty Pink Rose poem with an original music and beautiful photos of Roses.
File: aRose.exe ( 753 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

Michael Franks is the Best Jazz Vocalist Art of Tea
ECard: My Love For You
An animated & musical "My Love For You" E-mail card. With an original music and a romantic out-of-this world photo of a couple.
"My Love For You Reaches Beyond the Stars to The Far Away Galaxies"
File: MyLove4U.exe ( 569 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Happiness
An animated & musical "Happiness" E-mail card.
A romantic poem with a beautiful classical music.
"Happiness can't be defined, It's a certain mood, a state of mind... "
File: Happiness.exe ( 1100 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 8 minutes

ECard: Thinking of You Makes Me Happy
An animated & musical "Thinking of You Makes Me Happy" E-mail card. With a popular music and a cute photo of a dog.
File: MakesMeHappy.exe ( 988 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

Whitney Houston - The Powerful Voice With so Much Emotion
The Greatest Hits
ECard: Be My Valentine
An animated & musical "Be My Valentine" E-mail card
with a beautiful classical music.
"Kiss me and you will see stars; Love me and I will give them to you."
File: BmyValentine.exe ( 132 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: Flowers For You
An animated & musical "Flowers For You" E-mail card with an original music and lots of beautiful flowers.
File: FlowersForU.exe ( 673 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Unforgettable
( one of my earlier creations )
Natalie and Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable" ECard!
An animated & musical "Unforgettable" E-mail card with photos and a complete song.
File: Unforgettable.exe ( 1665 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Cyber Valentine
( one of my earlier creations )
Happy Valentine's in Cyber Space ECard!
An animated & musical "Cyber-Valentine" E-mail card with a popular tune "What a beautiful world".
File: Cyber-Valentine.exe ( 183 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes

Barry Manilow - The Ultimate Songs that Reach Everyone
Ultimate Manilow
ECard: It had To Be You
( one of my earlier creations )
An animated & musical "It Had To Be You" E-mail card with a popular original tune.
File: ItHad2BU.exe ( 204 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes


ECard: Happy Birthday! (10 tunes)
An animated & musical "Happy Birthday! " E-mail card.
Beautiful Sunflower and a Happy Birthday medley.
There are 10 tunes in this card.
Let it run for a few minutes to enjoy the full effect!

File: happybdaymedley.exe ( 1491 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Happy Birthday!
An animated & musical "Happy Birthday" E-mail card with a "Happy Birthday" tune and the birds chirping sounds.
Wish someone a Happy Birthday with this one of a kind card!
File: HappyBday.exe ( 94 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: Belated Birthday
Send someone a funny Belated Birthday Card!
An animated & musical "Belated Birthday " E-mail card. Guilty face with a Jazzy Happy Birthday tune.
File: BelatedBday.exe ( 1576 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes


ECard: A Poem for a Cyber Friend
An animated & musical " A Poem for a Cyber Friend" E-mail card.
A mystical Unicorn with an original music.
File: CyberFriend.exe (1835 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: To My Friend
An animated & musical "To My Friend" E-mail card. With an original music and two beautiful babies.
File: ToMyFriend.exe ( 1945 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Friendship
An animated & musical "Friendship" E-mail card.
A great photo of dolphins with an original music.
"Friendship is a place where dreams are nurtured, shared and celebrated...
a place where happiness begins."
File: Friendship.exe ( 584 kb)
Estimated Download Time (28800 baud): < 5 minutes


An animated and musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card.
A pretty golden angel, a snowman, Christmas wishes and a traditional tune.
ECard: Merry Christmas
File: merrychristmas.exe (723 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

An animated and musical "Christmas Wishes" E-mail card.
An adorable baby Santa, Christmas wishes and a beautiful classical melody.
ECard: Christmas Wishes
File: christmaswishes.exe (1618 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Thanksgiving Wishes
An animated and musical "Thanksgiving Wishes" E-mail card.
A beautiful traditional card with a pretty classical melody.
File: thankgivingwishes.exe (1796 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: It's Halloween!
An animated & musical "It's Halloween" E-mail card.
Smiling pumpkins, a Halloween poem with a pretty original tune.
File: Halloween.exe (839 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: 4th Of July
An animated & musical "4th Of July" E-mail card with a traditional music
and an adorable baby.
File: 4thOfJuly.exe ( 562 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Seasons Greetings!
An animated & musical "Season's Greetings! Happy Holidays!" E-mail card.
A golden box of chocolates with a Classical music by Strauss.
File: SeasonsGreetings.exe (216 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Happy Chanukah!
( one of my earlier creations )
An animated & musical "Happy Chanukah" E-mail card.
A golden lit menorah with a traditional holiday music.
File: Chanukah97.exe (162 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Celebrate the Festival of Lights
( one of my earlier creations )
An animated & musical "Happy Chanukah" E-mail card.
A pretty menorah with a traditional holiday music.
File: Chanukah99.exe (341 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Christmas - Sleigh
( one of my earlier creations )
An animated & musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card.
Santas Sleigh with a traditional tune.
File: Christmas-sleigh.exe (641 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Merry Christmas
( one of my earlier creations )
An animated & musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card.
Funny Santas, A Christmas Poem with a traditional tune.
File: MerryXmas.exe (382 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

Russian ECards

ECard: Ya Za Tebia Molius' - I Pray for You (Romantic) in Russian
An animated & musical "Ya Za Tebia Molius" E-mail card.
A pretty young girl with a rose and a beautiful poem with a great melody.
File: yazatebia.exe ( 2383 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 6 minutes

ECard: Ty U Menia Edinstvennaya - You Are My One and Only in Russian
An animated & musical "Ty U Menia Edinstvennaya" E-mail card.
A beautiful painting of a couple, a very romantic poem and a pretty melody.
File: tyumenia.exe ( 927 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Ty Zvezdochka Moya - You Are My Star in Russian
An animated & musical "Ty Zvezdochka Moya" E-mail card.
A romantic starry night, a beautiful poem and my favorite Russian melody.
File: zvezdochkamoya.exe ( 2971 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 6 minutes

ECard: S Dnem Rozhdenia! - Happy Birthday in Russian
An animated & musical "S Dnem Rozhdenia" E-mail card.
A pretty traditional Russian doll with an original tune.
File: happybdayRussian.exe ( 1320 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Eti Glaza Na Protiv (These Eyes) in Russian
An animated & musical "Eti Glaza Na Protiv" E-mail card.
Photo of an incredible ladies eyes with a pretty original tune.
File: TheseEyes.exe ( 1409 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Ocharovana Okoldovana (Mesmerized) in Russian
An animated & musical "Ocharovana Okoldovana" E-mail card.
Photo of a beautiful woman with a pretty original tune.
File: Ocharovana.exe ( 1397 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Kuda Uhodit Detstvo (Passing Childhood) in Russian
An animated & musical "Kuda Uhodit Detstvo" E-mail card.
Cute children running on the beach with a pretty original tune.
File: Detstvo.exe ( 925 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Kak Upoitelny v Rossii Vechera (Mellow Evenings in Russia) in Russian
An animated & musical "Kak Upoitelny v Rossii Vechera" E-mail card.
Beautiful birches with a pretty original tune.
File: VecheraRossia.exe ( 2185 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Bez Menia (Without me, my darling...) in Russian
An animated & musical "Without me, my darling..." E-mail card.
Romantic photo with a pretty original tune.
File: BezMenia.exe ( 1285 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Lentiy Dozhd' (Summer Rain) in Russian
A Russian Ecard called "Lentiy Dozhd" (Summer Rain)
An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music.
File: LetniyDozhd.exe ( 686 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Tuchi (Clouds) in Russian
A Russian Ecard called "Tuchi" (Clouds)
An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music.
File: Tuchi.exe ( 275 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Ah Kakaya Zhenshina (Oh What a Woman) in Russian
A Russian Ecard called "Ah Kakaya Zhenshina" (Oh What a Woman)
An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music.
File: AhKakayaZhenshina.exe ( 330 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: You are cheating on me - In Russian - Ty izmeniaesh' mne!
An animated & musical "You are cheating on me" E-mail card
with a famous Russian song.
File: TyIzmeniaeshMne.exe (2304 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Happy New Year! - In Russian - S Novim Godom!
An animated & musical "Happy New Year!" E-mail card in Russian.
S Novim Godom!
File: sNovimGodom.exe (195 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes


ECard: Always a Rainbow
An animated & musical "Always a Rainbow" E-mail card.
A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe. Photo of a rainbow with a pretty original tune.
File: Rainbow.exe (1761 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

Louis Armstrong - Ragtime, Jazz, Big Band and The Beautiful Wisdom
All-Time Greatest Hits
An animated & musical "Importance of a Smile" E-mail card.
Cute Child smiling with a pretty original tune.
File: ImpSmile.exe (880 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: The Universal Rx (The Hug)
An animated & musical "The Universal Rx - The Hug" E-mail card.
Cute children with an original tune and a pretty poem.
File: TheHug.exe (1953 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Inspirational
An animated & musical "Inspirational" E-mail card.
With an original tune and inspiration poem.
File: Inspirational.exe (707 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: World United!

Many photographs from around the World
with a patriotic "America the Beautiful" tune.
File: WorldUnited.exe (904 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Reach for the Stars
An animated & musical "Stars" E-mail card. Sea stars with an original music.
File: Stars.exe (1126 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

The King of '80s R&B Romance - Luther Vandross: Greatest Hits
ECard: You Will Overcome
An animated & musical "You Will Overcome" E-mail card. An inspirational message with an original music.
File: YouWill.exe (1227 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Just Because
An animated & musical "Especially For You... Just Because... You Deserve It!" E-mail card. A beautiful photo of a sunrise with an original music.
File: JustBecause.exe ( 981 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

Lionel Richie at His Best and Emotionally Satisfying
Truly: The Love Songs
ECard: A Smile
Cheer someone up with this animated & musical "Smile" E-mail card. With a classical music and a photo of an adorable baby smiling.
File: aSmile.exe ( 255 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: A Hug
An animated & musical "A Hug" E-mail card with a popular tune called "Fever".
Send someone that you care about this unique and musical Hug.
File: Hug.exe ( 89 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

His Voice and Music are Timeless. Every Song is a Classic
Ray Charles: Ultimate Hits Collection
ECard: A Bear Hug
An animated & musical "A Bear Hug" E-mail card with a cute teddy bear
and an original tune.
File: aBearHug.exe ( 590 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Vision of Hope
An animated & musical Ecard called "Vision Of Hope" with an original music.
File: VisionOfHope3.exe ( 2079 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Wishing You ...
An animated & musical "Wishing You..." E-mail card. With an original music and a mystic unicorn.
File: WishingYou.exe ( 1434 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Cheer Up!
Cheer someone Up!
An animated & musical Ecard with a cute baby and a popular tune.
File: CheerUp.exe ( 1078 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Quotes about Life and Love
An animated & musical "Quotes " E-mail card with an original music.
Quotes about Life and Love.
File: Quotes.exe (400 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

Tina Turner Brings a Moody Sensuality - Simply the Best
Card: Words Of Wisdom
An animated & musical "Words Of Wisdom" E-mail card. With an original music and very green frogs.
File: WordsOfWisdom.exe ( 1241 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: I Like You
An animated & musical "I Like You" E-mail card with a happy dolphin and a pretty original tune.
File: ILikeU.exe ( 237 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

I Recommend This CD To All Jazz Fans - Miles Davis - Round About Midnight
ECard: Enjoy Life
An animated & musical "Enjoy Life" E-mail card. With an original music
and a thinking cat.
File: EnjoyLife.exe ( 434 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: A Hug
An animated & musical "A Hug" E-mail card
with a cute girl hugging a bear and an original tune.
File: aHug.exe ( 653 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

The Queen of Jazz, The Sounds of Passion & Hurt
The Best of Billie Holiday
ECard: Risk
An animated & musical "Risk" E-mail card.
A romantic quote with a beautiful popular music.
"To Love is to Risk Not Being Loved in Return..."
File: Risk.exe ( 325 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

Events and Occasions

ECard: Marriage
An animated & musical "Marriage Message" E-mail card with a pretty photo of the wedding bands and an original tune.
File: Marriage.exe ( 1639 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Housewarming Greeting
An animated & musical "Housewarming" E-mail card
with a dreamy castle and a pretty classical tune.
File: Housewarming.exe ( 950 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Bon Voyage
An animated & musical "Bon Voyage" E-mail card with a map
of the world and a pretty original tune.
File: BonVoyage.exe ( 580 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Happy Anniversary
An animated & musical "Happy Anniversary" E-mail card
with a very cute photo of dogs and an original tune.
File: HappyAnniversary.exe ( 698 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: For Mom
An animated & musical "For Mom" E-mail card. With an original music
and a smiling child.
File: ForMom.exe ( 677 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Get Well Soon
An animated & musical "Get Well Soon" E-mail card. With an original music
and a very cute dog.
File: GetWellSoon.exe ( 1512 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes

ECard: Congratulations!
An animated & musical "Congratulations" E-mail card with an original music.
File: Congratulation.exe ( 257 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

More Ecards...

ECard: Just Be Happy
An animated & musical "Just Be Happy" E-mail card.
A dreamy picture of the night sky with a beautiful melody.
File: justbehappy.exe (1368 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Mother's Heart
An animated & musical "Mother's Heart" E-mail card.
A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe with a pretty original tune.
File: MothersHeart.exe (2353 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: Guide to Parenting
An animated & musical "Guide to Parenting" E-mail card.
Two adorable children using a computer with a pretty original tune.
File: Parenting.exe (2617 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes

ECard: The Storyteller's Creed
An animated & musical "The Storyteller's Creed" E-mail card.
A beautiful poem with an original tune.
File: TheStoryTellersCreed.exe (1513 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Call Me!
An animated & musical "Call Me!" E-mail card with a popular song "Call Me".
Remind someone that there are many ways of Keeping In Touch!
File: CallMe.exe (108 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: For No Reason
You don't need a reason to send someone flowers!
An animated & musical "For No Reason" E-mail card
with an original tune.
File: ForNoReason.exe ( 288 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes

ECard: Thank You (poem)
An animated & musical "Thank You" E-mail card with an original
Express your Gratitude with this musical Thank You ECard.
File: ThankU.exe ( 1164 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Thank You
Want to say Thank You in 11 languages?
An animated & musical "Thank You" E-mail card with an original music.
File: ThankYou.exe ( 371 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: Sympathy
An animated & musical "Sympathy" E-mail card with an original music.
File: Sympathy.exe ( 731 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: I'm Sorry
Tell them that You are Really Sorry!
An animated & musical "I am Sorry..." E-mail card with an original music.
File: I'm Sorry.exe ( 789 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Good-bye
Send someone a simple Good-bye Card!
An animated & musical "Good-bye" E-mail card with an original music.
File: Goodbye.exe ( 150 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute

ECard: Titanic
( one of my earlier creations )
One of my favorite Movies "Titanic". Photos and the song from the movie.
File: Titanic.exe (408 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes

ECard: The Scarlet Pimpernel
( one of my earlier creations )
One of my favorite Broadway Shows. Photos and the song from the show.
File: ScarletPimpernel.exe (1453 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56): < 3 minutes

ECard: Hedonism II Negril Jamaica
( one of my earlier creations )
Photos of the reasort and my theme song "It's a beautiful life"
File: HedoII.exe (1309 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Jazzy Pink Panther
( one of my earlier creations )
A very Jazzy Pink Panther ECard!
An animated & musical "Jazzy" E-mail card with an original music.
File: Jazzy.exe ( 255 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes


ECard: ¡Feliz Aniversario! - Happy Anniversary in Spanish
An animated & musical "¡Feliz Aniversario! " E-mail card in Spanish.
Champagne glasses and a pretty original tune.
File: anniversarySpanish.exe ( 1507 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday in Spanish
An animated & musical "¡Feliz Cumpleaños! " E-mail card in Spanish.
Beautiful Gold box of Chocolates and a Happy Birthday tune.
File: happybdaySpanish.exe ( 1600 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday in Spanish (10 tunes)
An animated & musical "¡Feliz Cumpleaños! " E-mail card in Spanish.
Beautiful Peach Roses and a Happy Birthday medley.
There are 10 tunes in this card.
Let it run for a few minutes to enjoy the full effect!

File: happybdaySpanish2.exe ( 1251 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Amistad - Friendship in Spanish
An animated & musical "Friendship/Amistad" E-mail card in Spanish.
Beautiful children with an original tune.
File: FriendshipSpanish.exe ( 1072 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes

ECard: Extranandote - Missing You in Spanish
An animated & musical "Missing You" E-mail card in Spanish.
Romantic photo of a couple with an original tune.
File: MissingUspanish.exe ( 277 kb)
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes

You Are Listening To A Beautiful Russian Melody Called "He and She"*

If You Do Not Want Any Music Just Point Your Arrow On The Box

Below And Click On the Right Side Of The Mouse, Choose The Option "Stop"

Link Exchange

If you are interested in a reciprocal link on this site please put a link on your page or site to
and email me at
Alenushka@Alenushka.Com I'll be happy to exchange.

Thank You!

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