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Free Downloadable Musical E-Cards
for All Occasions
with Beautiful Graphics and Photos. One Of a Kind Multimedia Greetings In English, Russian and Spanish. Popular and Original Music, Romantic Images and Poems, Funny Quotes and Messages. Hope You
Enjoy Them! |
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All E-Cards
Were Created Using Paint Shop Pro 5, PSP Animator and ArcaMax Software
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
It's best
to zip or compress these
e-cards before you send them!
And Here They Are... Over 100 One Of a Kind ECards |
Click On The Subjects Below |
An animated and musical "It's Called Love" E-mail card. An adorable pair of puppies, a pretty poem with an original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
An animated and musical "You Are" E-mail card. A beautiful poem with an original tune. "You are - the dreams I dream.." Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
The Sexy, The Romantic - Enrique Iglesias
An animated and musical "For You My Love" E-mail card. Beautiful diamonds for the one you love. "For the Past, For the Present, For the Future" with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
An animated and musical "You and Me" E-mail card. A beautiful romantic poem, sensual black and white photograph of a couple and an original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
An animated and musical "Secret Love" E-mail card. A magical surreal castle, beautiful romantic poem with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
An animated and musical "Good Morning Sunshine" E-mail card. "I love you more than words can say..." File: goodmorning.exe (1873 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated and musical "Where Is Love" E-mail card. A beautiful poem written by a friend Nina (NCinNY09@aol.com) File: WhereIsLove.exe (770 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** A beautiful Gerbera daisy with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k) < 3 minutes |
***** A beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, romantic couple with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k) < 3 minutes |
***** A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, pink roses and a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe, romantic couple kissing and a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** "...You are the best thing that ever happened to me!". An Art Deco picture of a couple with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** Dreamy night skies with twinkly stars. |
Read About The Art of Kissing
***** |
***** |
***** |
***** With an adorable children, an original tune and a pretty poem. |
***** |
***** An animated & musical "The Dance" E-mail card. A beautiful poem written by a friend Nina (NCinNY09@aol.com) File: TheDance.exe (1360 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "You Fill My Day" E-mail card. An adorable puppy and a sentimental message with an original music. File: Us.exe (537 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "I Am Missing You" E-mail card. A beautiful poem with an original music and a dreamy photo of a man and a woman. File: IamMissingU.exe ( 796 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Love Is ..." E-mail card. A beautiful poem with a popular melody called "Love Story". File: LoveIs.exe ( 250 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Miss You - funny" E-mail card with a list of thing you would like to say and a pretty original tune. File: MissUfunny.exe ( 358 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** Tell someone special that miles can not keep you apart! An animated & musical "Across The Miles" E-mail card with a romantic photo and an original tune. File: AcrossTheMiles.exe ( 1098 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Passion" E-mail card with an original music and a sensual photo of a couple. File: Passion.exe ( 904 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Fly Me To the Moon" E-mail card. Romantic photo of a couple against a dreamy moon and a popular tune " Fly Me To the Moon". File: FlyMeToTheMoon.exe ( 1512 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "You are my Sunshine..." E-mail card . The cutest photo of puppies with a
pretty popular tune.
Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** Send someone a funny Remember Me ECard! An animated & musical "Remember Me" E-mail card with a funny snorkeling dog and an original music. File: Remember.exe ( 1020 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "We.." E-mail card. Beautiful roses with a romantic message "We Met, We Grew, We Fell In Love, My Heart Is Happy. Thanks To You My Love!" with an original music. File: We.exe (490 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "You Are My World..." E-mail card. Beautiful photos of animal pairs couples, romantic quotes with an original music. File: UrMyWorld.exe (787 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "For You" E-mail card. Animated beautiful quotes: File: 4You.exe (598 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Roses" E-mail card. Pretty animated Roses with an original music. "Kiss slowly, Love Deeply, Forgive Quickly.." File: Roses.exe (618 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "...Someone is thinking of you..." E-mail card. Beautiful animated sunsets over the water with an original music. File: ThinkingOfU.exe (623 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Send someone pretty tulips and let them know that you are thinking about them. An animated & musical "Thoughts From Afar" E-mail card with an original tune. File: ThoughtsFromAfar.exe ( 795 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Close Your Eyes" E-mail card. A romantic poem with an original music set against a beautiful surreal garden. File: CloseYourEyes.exe ( 765 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Lots Of Kisses" E-mail card with an original music and lots of chocolate kisses. File: LotsaKisses.exe ( 1318 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Two Lips" E-mail card with pretty purple tulips and an original tune. File: TwoLips.exe ( 1090 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Smooch, Kiss ..." E-mail card with an original music. "Smooch, Kiss, Nibble ... Mwaa!" File: Kiss.exe (188 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** Send someone this animated & musical "I am Thinking Of You..." E-mail card with a classical romantic music and a beautiful dreamy photo of a white swan. File: IamThinkingOfU.exe ( 366 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** Tell someone how much you miss them with this pretty ECard! An animated & musical "We Are Apart " E-mail card with a beautiful sunset and an original music. File: WeRapart.exe ( 1249 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
The Smooth Jazz - Al
Jarreau All I Got
***** Can they take A Hint? An animated & musical "A Hint " E-mail car. Lots of (chocolate) kisses and an original music. File: aHint.exe ( 310 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** An animated & musical "The Wish" E-mail card with an original music and pretty flowers. A Beautiful Poem called "The Wish" "If I had one wish.. I would wish to be with You" Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** An animated & musical poem called "The Right One" E-mail card with an original music and a beautiful photo of a couple against a romantic sunset. File: TheRightOne.exe ( 266 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "I Give You My Heart" E-mail card with a beautiful classical music. Express your love and passion. File: IgiveUmyHeart.exe ( 616 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "What is Love" E-mail card with an original music, a beautiful poem and a romantic photo of white swans. File: WhatIsLove.exe ( 793 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "I Give You My Love" E-mail card with an original music, gorgeous red roses and a beautiful poem. File: IgiveUmyLove.exe ( 389 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "All You Need Is .. Love" E-mail card with an original music. File: AlluNeedIsLove.exe ( 161 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** An animated & musical "A Rose" E-mail card. A pretty Pink Rose poem with an original music and beautiful photos of Roses. File: aRose.exe ( 753 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
Michael Franks is the
Best Jazz Vocalist Art of Tea
***** An animated & musical "My Love For You" E-mail card. With an original music and a romantic out-of-this world photo of a couple. "My Love For You Reaches Beyond the Stars to The Far Away Galaxies" File: MyLove4U.exe ( 569 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Happiness" E-mail card. A romantic poem with a beautiful classical music. "Happiness can't be defined, It's a certain mood, a state of mind... " File: Happiness.exe ( 1100 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 8 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Thinking of You Makes Me Happy" E-mail card. With a popular music and a cute photo of a dog. File: MakesMeHappy.exe ( 988 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Be My Valentine" E-mail card with a beautiful classical music. "Kiss me and you will see stars; Love me and I will give them to you." File: BmyValentine.exe ( 132 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** An animated & musical "Flowers For You" E-mail card with an original music and lots of beautiful flowers. File: FlowersForU.exe ( 673 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) Natalie and Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable" ECard! An animated & musical "Unforgettable" E-mail card with photos and a complete song. File: Unforgettable.exe ( 1665 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) Happy Valentine's in Cyber Space ECard! An animated & musical "Cyber-Valentine" E-mail card with a popular tune "What a beautiful world". File: Cyber-Valentine.exe ( 183 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes |
Barry Manilow - The
Ultimate Songs that Reach Everyone
Ultimate Manilow |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) An animated & musical "It Had To Be You" E-mail card with a popular original tune. File: ItHad2BU.exe ( 204 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
ECard: Happy
Birthday! (10 tunes)
***** An animated & musical "Happy Birthday! " E-mail card. Beautiful Sunflower and a Happy Birthday medley. There are 10 tunes in this card. Let it run for a few minutes to enjoy the full effect! File: happybdaymedley.exe ( 1491 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Happy Birthday" E-mail card with a "Happy Birthday" tune and the birds chirping sounds. Wish someone a Happy Birthday with this one of a kind card! File: HappyBday.exe ( 94 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** Send someone a funny Belated Birthday Card! An animated & musical "Belated Birthday " E-mail card. Guilty face with a Jazzy Happy Birthday tune. File: BelatedBday.exe ( 1576 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** A mystical Unicorn with an original music. |
***** An animated & musical "To My Friend" E-mail card. With an original music and two beautiful babies. File: ToMyFriend.exe ( 1945 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Friendship" E-mail card. A great photo of dolphins with an original music. "Friendship is a place where dreams are nurtured, shared and celebrated... a place where happiness begins." File: Friendship.exe ( 584 kb) Estimated Download Time (28800 baud): < 5 minutes |
An animated and musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card. A pretty golden angel, a snowman, Christmas wishes and a traditional tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
An animated and musical "Christmas Wishes" E-mail card. An adorable baby Santa, Christmas wishes and a beautiful classical melody. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** An animated and musical "Thanksgiving Wishes" E-mail card. File: thankgivingwishes.exe (1796 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** Smiling pumpkins, a Halloween poem with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "4th Of July" E-mail card with a traditional music and an adorable baby. File: 4thOfJuly.exe ( 562 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Season's Greetings! Happy Holidays!" E-mail card. A golden box of chocolates with a Classical music by Strauss. File: SeasonsGreetings.exe (216 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** ( one of my earlier creations )
A golden lit menorah with a traditional holiday music. File: Chanukah97.exe (162 kb) |
***** ( one of my earlier creations )
A pretty menorah with a traditional holiday music. File: Chanukah99.exe (341 kb) |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) An animated & musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card. Santas Sleigh with a traditional tune. File: Christmas-sleigh.exe (641 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) An animated & musical "Merry Christmas" E-mail card. Funny Santas, A Christmas Poem with a traditional tune. File: MerryXmas.exe (382 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
A pretty young girl with a rose and a beautiful poem with a great melody. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 6 minutes |
A beautiful painting of a couple, a very romantic poem and a pretty melody. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
A romantic starry night, a beautiful poem and my favorite Russian melody. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 6 minutes |
ECard: S Dnem Rozhdenia! - Happy Birthday in Russian A pretty traditional Russian doll with an original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Photo of an incredible ladies eyes with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Photo of a beautiful woman with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Cute children running on the beach with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Beautiful birches with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** Romantic photo with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** A Russian Ecard called "Lentiy Dozhd" (Summer Rain) An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music. File: LetniyDozhd.exe ( 686 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** A Russian Ecard called "Tuchi" (Clouds) An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music. File: Tuchi.exe ( 275 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** A Russian Ecard called "Ah Kakaya Zhenshina" (Oh What a Woman) An animated & musical E-mail card with an original music. File: AhKakayaZhenshina.exe ( 330 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** |
***** An animated & musical "Happy New Year!" E-mail card in Russian. S Novim Godom! File: sNovimGodom.exe (195 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes |
***** A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe. Photo of a rainbow with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
Louis Armstrong -
Ragtime, Jazz, Big Band and The Beautiful
All-Time Greatest Hits |
Cute Child smiling with a pretty original tune. |
***** Cute children with an original tune and a pretty poem. |
***** With an original tune and inspiration poem. |
Many photographs from around the World |
File: Stars.exe (1126 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
The King of '80s
R&B Romance - Luther Vandross: Greatest Hits
***** An animated & musical "You Will Overcome" E-mail card. An inspirational message with an original music. File: YouWill.exe (1227 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Especially For You... Just Because... You Deserve It!" E-mail card. A beautiful photo of a sunrise with an original music. File: JustBecause.exe ( 981 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
Lionel Richie at His
Best and Emotionally Satisfying
Truly: The Love Songs |
***** Cheer someone up with this animated & musical "Smile" E-mail card. With a classical music and a photo of an adorable baby smiling. File: aSmile.exe ( 255 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "A Hug" E-mail card with a popular tune called "Fever". Send someone that you care about this unique and musical Hug. File: Hug.exe ( 89 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
His Voice and Music are
Timeless. Every Song is a Classic
Ray Charles: Ultimate Hits Collection |
***** An animated & musical "A Bear Hug" E-mail card with a cute teddy bear and an original tune. File: aBearHug.exe ( 590 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical Ecard called "Vision Of Hope" with an original music. File: VisionOfHope3.exe ( 2079 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Wishing You..." E-mail card. With an original music and a mystic unicorn. File: WishingYou.exe ( 1434 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** Cheer someone Up! An animated & musical Ecard with a cute baby and a popular tune. File: CheerUp.exe ( 1078 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Quotes " E-mail card with an original music. Quotes about Life and Love. File: Quotes.exe (400 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
Tina Turner Brings a
Moody Sensuality - Simply the Best
***** An animated & musical "Words Of Wisdom" E-mail card. With an original music and very green frogs. File: WordsOfWisdom.exe ( 1241 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "I Like You" E-mail card with a happy dolphin and a pretty original tune. File: ILikeU.exe ( 237 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
I Recommend This CD To
All Jazz Fans - Miles Davis - Round About Midnight
***** An animated & musical "Enjoy Life" E-mail card. With an original music and a thinking cat. File: EnjoyLife.exe ( 434 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "A Hug" E-mail card with a cute girl hugging a bear and an original tune. File: aHug.exe ( 653 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
The Queen of Jazz, The
Sounds of Passion & Hurt
The Best of Billie Holiday |
***** An animated & musical "Risk" E-mail card. A romantic quote with a beautiful popular music. "To Love is to Risk Not Being Loved in Return..." File: Risk.exe ( 325 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Marriage Message" E-mail card with a pretty photo of the wedding bands and an original tune. File: Marriage.exe ( 1639 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Housewarming" E-mail card with a dreamy castle and a pretty classical tune. File: Housewarming.exe ( 950 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Bon Voyage" E-mail card with a map of the world and a pretty original tune. File: BonVoyage.exe ( 580 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Happy Anniversary" E-mail card with a very cute photo of dogs and an original tune. File: HappyAnniversary.exe ( 698 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "For Mom" E-mail card. With an original music and a smiling child. File: ForMom.exe ( 677 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Get Well Soon" E-mail card. With an original music and a very cute dog. File: GetWellSoon.exe ( 1512 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 5 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Congratulations" E-mail card with an original music. File: Congratulation.exe ( 257 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
A dreamy picture of the night sky with a beautiful melody. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** A Beautiful poem by James J. Metcalfe with a pretty original tune. Estimated Download Time (56k): < 4 minutes |
***** |
***** |
***** An animated & musical "Call Me!" E-mail card with a popular song "Call Me". Remind someone that there are many ways of Keeping In Touch! File: CallMe.exe (108 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** You don't need a reason to send someone flowers! An animated & musical "For No Reason" E-mail card with an original tune. File: ForNoReason.exe ( 288 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Thank You" E-mail card with an original music. Express your Gratitude with this musical Thank You ECard. File: ThankU.exe ( 1164 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Want to say Thank You in 11 languages? An animated & musical "Thank You" E-mail card with an original music. File: ThankYou.exe ( 371 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 2 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Sympathy" E-mail card with an original music. File: Sympathy.exe ( 731 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Tell them that You are Really Sorry! An animated & musical "I am Sorry..." E-mail card with an original music. File: I'm Sorry.exe ( 789 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** Send someone a simple Good-bye Card! An animated & musical "Good-bye" E-mail card with an original music. File: Goodbye.exe ( 150 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minute |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) One of my favorite Movies "Titanic". Photos and the song from the movie. File: Titanic.exe (408 kb) |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) One of my favorite Broadway Shows. Photos and the song from the show. File: ScarletPimpernel.exe (1453 kb) |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) Photos of the reasort and my theme song "It's a beautiful life" File: HedoII.exe (1309 kb) |
***** ( one of my earlier creations ) A very Jazzy Pink Panther ECard! An animated & musical "Jazzy" E-mail card with an original music. File: Jazzy.exe ( 255 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes |
¡Feliz Aniversario! - Happy Anniversary in Spanish
***** An animated & musical "¡Feliz Aniversario! " E-mail card in Spanish. Champagne glasses and a pretty original tune. File: anniversarySpanish.exe ( 1507 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
¡Feliz Cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday in Spanish
***** An animated & musical "¡Feliz Cumpleaños! " E-mail card in Spanish. Beautiful Gold box of Chocolates and a Happy Birthday tune. File: happybdaySpanish.exe ( 1600 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
¡Feliz Cumpleaños! - Happy Birthday in Spanish (10 tunes)
***** An animated & musical "¡Feliz Cumpleaños! " E-mail card in Spanish. Beautiful Peach Roses and a Happy Birthday medley. There are 10 tunes in this card. Let it run for a few minutes to enjoy the full effect! File: happybdaySpanish2.exe ( 1251 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Friendship/Amistad" E-mail card in Spanish. Beautiful children with an original tune. File: FriendshipSpanish.exe ( 1072 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 3 minutes |
***** An animated & musical "Missing You" E-mail card in Spanish. Romantic photo of a couple with an original tune. File: MissingUspanish.exe ( 277 kb) Estimated Download Time (56k): < 1 minutes |
You Are Listening To A Beautiful
Russian Melody Called "He and She"*
If You Do Not Want Any Music Just Point Your Arrow On The Box Below And Click On the Right Side Of The Mouse, Choose The Option "Stop" |
If You Love Music as Much As I Do... Here Are Some Of My Favorite CDs Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael The Very Best of Yanni Santa Esmeralda - Greatest Hits Johann Sebastian Bach |
Link Exchange
If you are interested in a reciprocal link on this site please put a link on your page or site to http://www.Alenushka.com/ECards.html and email me at Alenushka@Alenushka.Com I'll be happy to exchange. Thank You! |
You Are My Honored Guest #